Tuesday, November 4, 2008


‘Sarah-Cuda’: Ohio Company Creates Hunting Bow for Palin Fans


Gaffetastic!... Obama Booed-- Mistakes Florida For Ohio

McCain's Midnight Rally in Miami

Voter Fraud - Obama Style

McCain: “We’re going to win this election”

Bishop Finn says “give consideration to your eternal salvation”

Jason Mattera doing the thug thizzle

McCain’s Enthusiasm ‘Higher Than I’ve Seen In 14 Years Of Covering Him’

OCA president explains difference between McCain and Obama on coal

Cavuto goes nuclear on Menendez for spinning Obama’s tax plan

Michelle oddly skeptical of Obama’s newfound appreciation for immigration law

Michelle on Obama, coal, and the media


The Truth about Obama

Did Obama Flip McCain Off?

Link...he did Hillary...HT GP


$250K, $200K, $150K, $120K, $84K ... ??

Monday, November 3, 2008

138 Obama Lies, Mistruths or Inconsistencies

BOGUS: Obama's Claim That Anti-Coal Statement Was Out Of Context

Woah!... Palin SLAMS Obama For Coal-Killing Comments!


Sarah Creams Marxist Obama On Coal


CNN Video

Before You Beg For Change, Think Very Carefully... Because You Just Might Get It

This is a very spooky video. JPA discussed it today on his BTR show and he is correct. You won't hear Adolph Hitler in the video. What you do hear are the very words of Barack Obama superimposed and they coincide with the body language and movement of Hitler.




The Comeback Kid - John McCain, Harry Truman, Barack Obama, Thomas Dewey

Here's a Little Reminder of What the Obama's Think of Hillary & Her Supporters

Obama, A Word On A Piece Of Paper

Call Me a Racist- I Don't Care No More

JOHN MCCAIN HERO - "Spirit of the Free"

A Libtard Wants Joe The Plumber Dead




Obama Was Afraid To Walk Away from Wright?


New DNC Theme Song

Obama Born In Kenya

Murtha Redeploys Again

Al Franken: Killing The President IS Funny

Video : Before Obama's Victory Party, Can We Have the Election First??

The $120K Tax Break Ceiling Or Barrier...Or Whatever It Is Now

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Obama Says Gop Kidnapped By Bush...Moron


Let's say that is true. That is still better than the DNC being "kidnapped" by Marxists and anti-Americanists. Idiot.

Navy Commissions USS Barack Obama

Obama audio — I want to ban concealed weapons permits

Pilots, Aircraft, Miracles

Tito the Builder: "Don't Pretend the American People Are Stupid"

Thousands Flock to See Palin in the Missouri Sticks-- Biden Draws 500 to St. Louis High School Gym

Obama's View On SCOTUS

Change We Can Do Without

The Biden Interview With Commentary

Boot Murtha

Humor: A Break From Politics

Americans Cannot Afford A National Security Risk

Obama Lies to the Middle Class

McCain On SNL

Obama 2007: Use ‘Price Signals’ to Change Energy ‘Behavior’ Even if it Hurts Middle Class

Wink WInk - You Can Trust Obama - Wink Wink

Surgery - McCain Ad

Obama Promises To Bankrupt The Coal Industry

Martha Stewart Tells Targets of Obama Tax Hike to ‘Suck It In’

McCain Mocks Obama for Delaying World Series Game for ‘Infomercial’

Whining Joe Biden

Barack The Redistributor

'Paper or Plastic': Pollster Says He’ll End Up Bagging Groceries if McCain Wins


I can hardly wait for this idiot to come through

I Was Voting For Obama Until...


Sarah to Obama: Don't Celebrate Just Yet

Where is Obama and Biden?

From Obama The Racist

Hillary utterly destroys blogger’s strange new respect for her in 30 seconds


Obama Cannot Remember From Lie To Lie Anymore


Obama at a press conference :

In 2002 I said we should focus on finishing the fight against Osama Bin Laden. Throughout this campaign I’ve argued that we need more troops and more resources to win the war in Iraq. But we also need a new strategy that deals with Pakistan that deals with issues of corruption that deals with issues of narco-terrorism. We need a comprehensive strategy and approach to confront the growing threat from al Qaeda along the Pakistani border.

Did Obama forget which war he doesn't mind losing? Obama usually says he wants to "end" the war in Iraq and "win" war in Afghanistan. Throughout the campaign he has argued that more troops and resources would lead to success in Afghanistan, but he said that that same policy would lead to failure in Iraq. He must have meant to say "Afghanistan" instead of "Iraq." That's a pretty big mixup. As far as I can tell, this false impression Obama gave voters about his position on Iraq has gone uncorrected.

Whoopi Goldberg Says Democrats ALWAYS Raise Taxes


Jeri Thompson Slams A Troll


Saturday, November 1, 2008

I Wish Barack Would Make Up My Mind...What Is That Tax Level Again?


MOH: Parents Of Michael Monsoor Receive The MOH


Roger That

A Video Portrait of the Marxist Obama

The Audacity of A Fraud

Hannity and Colmes On Prairie Fire

Prairie Fire

Obama Just LOVES Jeremiah Wright

HT American Spectator

Jeremiah Wright is the best of the best of the best of the best the "black church" has to offer

Remembering Rev Not So Wright

McCain ad: “Freedom”

Da Coach introduces Da ‘Cuda

Hollyweirders Trying To Be Relevant

The Obligitory Palin-Obama Video Kick Ass Game?

Sarah I get...Obama? Not so much

New “Team Sarah” ad: Who’s Obama been winking at?

But, this ain't good...or is it? You decide

I am thinking America already knows about Rev Not So Wright

The Why Czarbie Is A Clear and Present Danger

All we really needed was one debate to know
Get the latest news satire and funny videos at 236.com.

New RNC ad: “Stooges”

One of Obama's Idiots That Doesn't Know Any Better Because It Has No Education Worthy Of Mentioning

Tito Trounces The Troll

Dennis Prager Explains What Change Is

What is change?

Ann Coulter And Geraldo Rivera Battle It Out Over Obama's Buddies, Khalidi And Ayers


Obama Admits He Is A Socialist By Whining About Selfishness If We Don't Want Higher Taxes

This guy is a complete fool...just sayin'...link here

HILARIOUS! Video of the Day: "That's the Last Thing We Need When We're Trying to Elect an African-American as President"

I couldn't resist this one for very long folks.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

"Spread the Wealth" (Ronald Reagan Blasts Obama)

The Socialist Whines About Being Named A Socialist

Gaffetastic: Obama mixes up his black sitcom references; video added


Barack is an idiot - the Jeffersons and Sanford and Son are NOT the same show


This is the REAL one...the 10.29.08 Version is a Pirated copy

Barack's Retardomercial

Complete text is here at the LA Times

They Laugh In Obama's General Direction

In case you still don't get it

Elisabeth Hasselbeck Introduces Governor Palin in Tampa

Voters Trust McCain On The Economy - Go FIgure

Bill O'Reilly says tomorrow Rasmussen will release a poll saying Americans now trust McCain on the economy.

Sarah Palin Nails A Troofer

She was asked if she would support a 911 investigation. Here answer? "I do, cause I think that helps us get to the point of never again. Anything we can do to keep that reminder out there."

Give This A Watch - Troofer Nailed

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Barack Not Ready Ad (aired after the Infomercial)

Obama mob maces GOP workers -- 10.27.08

The Lying Ass Liar Lying His Ass Off

This Is Change We Can Do Without - It Failed In The USSR

Sarah Palin: She Is Woman Hear Her Roar

New Audio: McCain Implies Bias in LA Times Withholding of Obama Tape

Obama Turns to PB&J to Mock McCain ‘Socialist’ Claims

Obama And Fantasy Land

Michelle Obama: He Hasn't Done Anything Yet

Video: Guy who helped wreck the economy touts his “work” on the subprime crisis


He’s far too modest: In fact, he’s been “working” on the crisis for years. I’m honestly speechless. If you’re not, read this or watch this and you will be. O’Reilly, who’s never speechless, sums things up well enough below.

New ACORN ad: McCain’s a racist for objecting to our many, many bogus voter registrations


How many? Just 400,000, enough to warrant a multistate FBI investigation. Here’s their reply to McCain and the RNC for calling attention to it: A mournful Ken Burns homage that all but compares him to George Wallace. Which wouldn’t be the first time that grenade’s been tossed at him lately.

CNN? Obama Broke His Promise

MSNBC? What? What Has Obama Done?

Link: Jeff Sachs Can't Name Obama Accomplishment

‘Jeffersons’ vs. ‘Sanford and Son’: Obama Confuses 1970s Sitcoms in N.C. Speech


The Birth of Socialism In The USSA

Obama Yoots Trilling For Soviet Style Change

Two Charged With Macing GOP Workers at Virginia Headquarters

Massachusetts State Senator Caught Stuffing Bribe Money in Her Bra

McCain Nails The Socialist

Joe The Plumber Speaks Out - Obama Is Against Israel

Vets For Freedom Tackle Murtha

Biden Lowers The Goal Post Again - Now $150K Barrier

Chuck Norris and the NRA

CBS follows Obama’s money

McCain ad: "Tiny"

Gingrich: Offer $50k Reward for Copy of Obama Tape the LA Times Won’t Release


Biden Reduces Tax Ceiling Again...Now $150K


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Obama Campaign Is Now Running Against Barbara West And Anyone Who Asks Questions

New RNC Ad Uses Audio From Obama 2001

Megyn Kelly Kicks A$$! Watch Her Take on Bill Burton of the Obama Campaign


Spike Lee: Obama Is ‘Pre-Deortained’ To Be President


New McCain Ad Hammers "Wealth Redistributor" Obama


He's Ba-ack!... AmeriKKKa's Favorite Racist, Anti-Semitic Pastor G-D Wright


Tito The Builder FIRES UP the Crowd at Virginia Palin Rally


Sarah Palin in jeans, rocking out to "Redneck Woman"


Redneck Woman
by Gretchen Wilson

Well I ain’t never
Been the barbie doll type
No I can’t swig that sweet champagne
I’d rather drink beer all night
In a tavern or in a honky tonk
Or on a 4 wheel drive tailgate
I’ve got posters on my wall of Skynard, Kid and Strait
Some people look down on me
But I don’t give a rip
I’ll stand barefooted in my own front yard with a baby on my hip

Cause I’m a redneck woman
And I ain’t no high class broad
I’m just a product of my raisin’
And I say “hey y’all” and “Yee Haw”
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels song
So here’s to all my sisters out there keepin’ it country
Let me get a big “Hell Yeah” from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah

Victoria’s Secret
Well their stuff’s real nice
Oh but I can buy the same damn thing on a Wal*Mart shelf half price
And still look sexy
Just as sexy
As those models on TV
No I don’t need no designer tag to make my man want me
You might think I’m trashy
A little too hard core
But get in my neck of the woods
I’m just the girl next door

Hey I’m redneck woman
And I ain’t no high class broad
I’m just a product of my raisin’
And I say “hey y’all” and “Yee Haw”
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Tanya Tucker song
So here’s to all my sisters out there keeping it country
Let me get a big “Hell Yeah” from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah

I’m redneck woman
And I ain’t no high class broad
I’m just a product of my raisin’
And I say “hey y’all” and “Yee Haw”
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Ol’ Bocephus song
So here’s to all my sisters out there keeping it country
Let me get a big “Hell Yeah” from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah

Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah

I Said Hell Yeah

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Obama Preaches Wealth Redistribution…IN 2001!


Obama raping the Constitution promoting socialism in 2001

Are you convinced yet?

Leftist Talking Point 101 - Example 6 - Bill Clinton, 1996


Bill Clinton, 1996

Sound familiar?

Leftist Talking Point 101 - Example 5 - Bill Clinton, 1992


Bill Clinton, 1992

Sound familiar?

Leftist Talking Point 101 - Example 4 - Joe Biden, 1988


Joe Biden, 1988

Sound familiar?

Leftist Talking Point 101 - Example 3 - Jimmy Carter, 1976


Jimmy Carter, 1976

Sound familiar?

Leftist Talking Point 101 - Example 2 - John F. Kennedy, 1960


John F. Kennedy, 1960

Sound familiar?

As Lew states: To his credit, Kennedy did come through with a genuine tax cut for all, much like Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush did.

Leftist Talking Point 101 - Example 1 - Adlai Stevenson, 1956

Adlai Stevenson, 1956

Sound familiar?

Sha Na Na Say Goodbye to Code Pink Berkeley

HT Michelle Malkin

Code Pink evacuates from Berkeley

sing along and substitute the proper phrase at the proper time